When is World Cancer Day?
February 4th is World Cancer Day.
What is World Cancer Day?
The cancer epidemic is growing. We watched 8.9 million people around the world lose the fight to cancer just in 2015. And for people without access to pain treatments, it’s an excruciating way to go. World Cancer Day promotes the fight against cancer and supports improved access to medicine throughout the world.
For patients with terminal cancer, the only treatment is pain medication. It’s not easy to get medicine to developing countries though. Developing countries need better ways to detect cancer and treat it. They also need more ways to teach people how to prevent cancer.
The poor and underserved in the world can benefit from our action. Millions die every year from cancer, and many of those folks could have been either spared, successfully cured, or at least had their final days eased with pain treatment.
World Cancer Day is the perfect megaphone to rally the globe against this disease.
Facts about World Cancer Day!
- The U.S., Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, and Australia use about 83% of the world’s supply of morphine, according to the American Cancer Society.
- In 2015, 57% of new cancer cases emerged in undeveloped countries.
- The vast majority of people who die of cancer without pain treatment live in undeveloped countries—99.9%.
How to celebrate World Cancer Day:
- Donate to organizations that fight cancer around the world.
- Learn methods for preventing cancer. Discuss them with your family and friends, and teach them to your kids as you train them to value their health.
What’s the hashtag for World Cancer Day?
Use #WorldCancerDay on social media to promote the war against cancer.