When is this day? September 1
What is this day? National Little Black Dress Day is a day for women particularly African American women to get dressed up (in their little black dress) and celebrate heart health and stroke awareness. According the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. CDC statistics include: About 1 in 16 women age 20 and older have coronary heart disease with 6.1% in White women, 6.5% in Black women, 6% in Hispanic women, and 3.2% in Asian women. We must highlight these health statistics, celebrate survival, and push change toward prevention versus management for women in the Black community.
Who created this day? This day was founded by the Black Heart Association in 2020.
How should this day be celebrated or observed? Black Heart Association will celebrate by creating an annual gala where guests will be encouraged to wear their little black dress. Individuals, allies, and the community can celebrate by wearing all black or a little black dress to work, the store, for errands, etc.!