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When is National Lazy Moms Day?

The first Friday in September is National Lazy Moms Day.

What is National Lazy Moms Day?

We all need a break now and then. We work so hard the rest of the year, and this is especially true for moms. National Lazy Moms Day honors our mothers with a day off the usual mom-related duties.

Lazy? Who wants to be called lazy? Lazy Moms Day may sound critical, but it’s not. When you refer to a lazy creek, it’s a compliment. You could relax by that creek, maybe drop a fishing line, maybe just dip your feet a bit.

It’s the same with National Lazy Moms Day. This day is a reminder that our moms need to relax. Leisure supports their own well-being, and it encourages a calm atmosphere in our homes.

So, moms, let your hair down and take it easy. National Lazy Moms Day is made for you.

Fun facts about National Lazy Moms Day!

Relaxation is a skill. Like any skill, some people find it easier than others.

Laziness is not a personality trait. It’s a habit, and it usually rises from some other dissatisfaction (e.g. a need to be nurtured, a fear of failure or success, etc.).

Regular relaxation improves sleep and memory. It also boosts energy and lowers anxiety, stress, and depression.

How to celebrate National Lazy Moms Day:

Moms: don’t lift a finger. Go for a quiet walk. Read a book. Take a nap. Go for a quiet walk to a lazy stream where you can read a book and take a nap. However you relax, use this chance to take it easy.

Non-moms (spouses and children): celebrate this day by giving mom a break. Don’t let her save her chores for tomorrow. Do them for her today!

What’s the hashtag for National Lazy Moms Day?

Post your lazy-day pics on social media with #NationalLazyMomsDay.