When is National Honesty Day?
National Honesty Day is April 30th.
What is National Honesty Day?
Truth be told, honesty works. It builds trust and develops authentic, wholesome relationships. National Honesty Day promotes a day of radical (and gentle) honesty to train for a lifetime of sincerity.
We’ve all told fibs, and whoppers, white lies, falsehoods, fictions—why do we have so many words for deceit? Maybe that means we have too much experience with it. For the love of truth, candor, and good ol’ home-cooked integrity, National Honesty Day encourages a culture of truthfulness.
Honest people are reliable. Even if they can’t do what they say they will, at least they own up to it and take responsibility. They’re also more confident. When we’re honest with ourselves, we don’t cover up our failures. Our weaknesses become targets for self-improvement instead of skeletons in the closet.
It takes a lot of energy to maintain a deception. Fraudulence is self-defeating. The best policy is honesty, and National Honesty Day rings the bell for truth in our public and private lives.
Fun facts about National Honesty Day!
Honesty is speaking truth, not speaking out everything we think. People skilled in honesty know when speaking truth creates healthy conflict and when to keep quiet to avoid conflict.
Honesty makes people brave. Bravery is action taken in spite of fear, not in the absence of fear. Speaking out despite concern over reprisal is courageous.
Gentle honesty can demonstrate care for other people.
M. Hirsh Goldberg created National Honesty Day in 1990 while writing his book, The Book of Lies: Fibs, Tales, Schemes, Scams, Fakes, and Frauds That Have Changed The Course of History and Affect Our Daily Lives.
How to celebrate National Honesty Day:
Take a day to be especially truthful. This doesn’t mean going out of your way to tell people off, but it does mean avoiding fibs. If someone asks a tough question and you feel stuck, be gentle with your honesty. Say upfront that you have his or her best interests at heart, that you want to be honest, and that your goal is to help, not to hurt.
What’s the hashtag for National Honesty Day?
Share your dedication to truth by using #NationalHonestyDay on social media.