When is National Day of Accountability? This day will take place on September 29 of each year.
What is National Day of Accountability? September 29 is the National Day of Accountability, a day set aside to remember the nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds of excessive force and disregard for the life of George Floyd at the hands of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. This day will additionally serve to establish more accountability, transparency, and trust, including working toward reducing racial bias and encouraging de-escalation among communities.
Why is this day being celebrated or observed? The reason this day is being created is two-fold: First, to commemorate the lives lost to police brutality, serving as an annual tradition of remembrance where we honor those whose lives were violently ended due to police negligence, brutality, and the criminalization of marginalized groups throughout history. Second, the National Day of Accountability will serve as an annual appeal for accountability of those sworn to serve and protect, calling for more just, fair, and effective law enforcement practices that lead to meaningful police reform.
How should this day be celebrated or observed? In partnership with community organizations and law enforcement agencies, we will host listening circles, forums, and community events that focus on the positive impacts of community involvement at all levels while reinforcing the need for sensitivity training and better race-relations to improve community and cultural awareness.
Who created this day? This day was created in June 2021 by US² Consulting.