When is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day?
January 10th is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day.
What is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day?
Maybe your dad followed you through the house, turning off lights behind you as he grumbled about the electric bill. Maybe you are that dad. National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is for those dads, and for the rest of us too. It’s the day we ask ourselves how we can lower our power usage and save money.
Appliances wear down, and weather seals age. As technology improves, so do our powers to reduce energy use. For some of us, small changes will have big effects. And who doesn’t want an extra hundred bucks at the end of the year?
Most of our energy gets burned out of fossil fuels to boil water, which turns the turbines of massive power generators. Eventually it reaches your house, but it’s a long trip though. National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is the time to make sure you’re wasting as little of it as possible.
Fun facts about National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!
- Every year, U.S. households average about 11,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity.
- LED bulbs might cost twice as much as CFL bulbs, but LEDs last three times longer.
- Caulking air leaks in your home and weather-stripping around doors and windows can save about 6% on your heating and cooling costs.
- Refrigerators more than 10 years old might cost an extra $110 per year to run. Buying a new fridge and recycling the old one will save you money in the long run.
- Household appliances account for about 20-30% of the electricity used in the average American home.
How to celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day:
- Weatherproof your home. Use plastic to keep cold drafts out of old wooden windows, and update any worn out weather stripping on doors and windows.
- Dial down the thermostat a few degrees. Sweaters and wool socks save on the heating bill.
- Switch to CFL or LED bulbs. In terms of efficiency, LEDs are the way to go.
- Replace old appliances, old furnaces, and old windows with newer, more energy efficient versions.
What’s the hashtag for National Cut Your Energy Costs Day?
Use #CutYourEnergyCostsDay on social media to document your energy saving exploits.