When is National Hot Cereal Day? This day will take place on January 24 of each calendar year.
What is National Hot Cereal Day?
A day to celebrate all types of hot cereals – oatmeal, grits, rice cereal, cream of wheat, bowl o’ gainz. A day to share favorite recipes, tasty concoctions, and fun meals. Hot cereals are tasty, healthy and great desserts for cool days too! A wonderful balance of proteins, fats and carb sources with unlimited add-ons!
Why is this day being celebrated or observed?
This day is being celebrated to bring more awareness to amazing breakfast and meal options. As a community we aim to continually support the health of our community. With warm welcomes to anyone making the leap to a healthier lifestyle. Hot cereals can be used to replicate most of the traditional American favorite “breakfast” foods!
How should this day be celebrated or observed?
To observe this day, social media allows us to continually reach around the globe to connect with everyone. Create your favorite recipes online and post them on your social media, with favorite tips and tricks. Then tag #Theflavorgang #Hotcereal
Who created this day? This day was created in November 2021 by The Flavor Gang.