When is this day celebrated? March 19
What is this day? National Stretch Mark Day is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating your stretch marks. It is a day of appreciation for our bodies which are perfectly imperfect; National Stretch Mark Day is a self esteem boosting holiday where you wear your “tiger stripes” shamelessly.
The reason National Stretch Mark day was created is to celebrate the act of unapologetically loving the skin you’re in! It is self love promoting and a way to take back the power and shame that is usually associated with having stretch marks for whatever the reason or lack there of may be. It is a day to honor our flaws and celebrate their beauty.
Who created this day? This day was founded by Aanya Harris in 2019.
How should this day be celebrated or observed?
National Stretch Mark day should be observed globally as it an issue that impacts most everyone. Awareness should be shared via social media(via #hashtags etc.), news/television, print and advertising/marketing and any other platforms where celebrations of this stature occur.