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When is this month celebrated? November
Who created this month? This day was founded by Chao Seminars, Inc. in 2018.
Why was this month created? National Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Month recognizes the new way to correct receding gums without conventional gum grafting surgery. Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation was invented and patented by dentist, educator and inventor John Chao, DDS who has personally trained over 3,000 doctors in the procedure, which is now available across the US as well as Europe, Asia and South America.
Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation was invented and patented by dentist, educator and inventor John Chao, DDS who has personally trained over 3,000 doctors in the procedure, which is now available across the US as well as Europe, Asia and South America. The procedure is recognized as a standard of care by numerous dental professionals around the world.
How should this day be celebrated or observed?By creating more public awareness of the consequences of untreated receding gums and how treatment need not involve more invasive conventional gum grafting surgery, allowing many more people to receive treatment who may otherwise elect to avoid conventional gum grafting surgery.