When is this day? This day will take place on August 28 of each calendar year.
What is this day? This is the day where can declare you are Over It pertaining to various life situations, relationships, etc when you are at your wits end. You can reflect on those situations and decide to let them go and move on. It can be celebrated by yourself or with friends a family. It would preferably be celebrated in a tropical setting or your favorite vacation spot.
Why is this day being celebrated or observed? This day is in honor of one of my best friends. She often will say she is “over it” when she’s at her wits end physically, mentally or emotionally. Registering this as a national holiday would be the best birthday gift for her. It would also allow others that share the same mindset an opportunity to have a cathartic moment and let go of things they’ve been holding onto that are simply over.
How should this day be celebrated or observed? This day is celebrated by reflecting on what if your life you are done with or ready to move on from. You can deter it as being “over it” to celebrate.
Who created this day? Lori Clark