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What day is National Daughters Day celebrated? September 25, but some celebrate it on the Fourth Sunday in September. In some countries it is celebrated on October 1, and World Daughters Day is September 28. In addition, there is a National Sons and Daughters Day celebrated August 11.

What is National Daughters Day? National Daughters Day is a day to celebrate the gift of daughters. Dads and moms have different, but very special relationships with their daughters. And that is to be celebrated. This is a day to cherish our daughters.

What is the reason this day was created? The initial reason for creating National or International Daughters Day was to erase the stigma in some countries attached to having a girl instead of a boy child. But in developed countries Daughters Day is a day to celebrate the joy and wonder of having a baby girl and raising a daughter.

How to celebrate: Dads should consider taking daughters out on a date, whether to a park or for a meal. Moms should share words of encouragement and wisdom. Every parent should make their daughter feel like a princess or the little angel they are! Of course, moms and dads can spent joint family time together with the goal of celebrating what makes daughters so unique and special in a family.

What is the hashtag? The hashtag for National Daughters Day is #NationalDaughtersDay, but another popular hashtag is #Daughters.

What other national days are there for daughters? Several other national days have sprung up to celebrate daughters, including:

  • Int’l Day of the Girl Child October 11
  • Sisters Day First Sunday in August
  • Siblings Day April 10
  • Princess Day November 18
  • Daughters Day Fourth Sunday in September
  • Girlfriends Day August 1

There are many other national days relating to families and relationships. In fact, National Day Archives has a separate category just for families. Browse it by using the category button on the top left of the webpage.