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National Chesterfield Sofa Day

When is National Chesterfield Sofa Day? This day will take place on November 1 of each calendar year.

What is National Chesterfield Sofa Day?

The Chesterfield Sofa is a timeless classic. With its distinctive tufted style, it’s hard not to be able to pick one out of any furniture store or home. These gorgeous sofas have been around for more than 200 years, made in both sofa as well as love seat sizes.
In later years, the “chesterfield style” was used to describe chairs as well as ottomans, both due to the same button tufting as the sofas.

Why is this day being celebrated or observed?

We believe every home should have at least one Chesterfield Sofa, as it is a timeless classic known for its design and distinctive tufted style. Not only as these icons beautiful, they also have tremendous staying power and are incredibly comfortable too!
Whether in leather or another fabric of choice, the chesterfield is equally as impressive.

How should this day be celebrated or observed?

Enjoying your Chesterfield if you have one, if not, simply appreciating one.

Who created this day? This day was created in October 2021 by Foundry Interior.