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What is this day? As the Roman poet Horace once said, “Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero!” or as commonly translated, “Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one!” Carpe Diem day is about taking advantage of every moment. It is about never taking life or love for granted, and about striving to fully experience and enjoy both the old and new people and places in your life that are accessible to you today. Carpe Diem Day is about remembering those who have died, recognizing the fragility of life and renewing our dedication to make every day special and positive.

Who created this day? Carpe Diem Day was established by the friends and family of Yvette Francino. She is the spark that ignites love and creativity in everyone around her. People started to associate Yvette with this phrase after the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge craze, when she became “Super Carpe Diem Woman” and raised over $12,000 through 12 ice bucket challenges for the cause. Yvette was inspired by her close friend, Craig Dunham, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2008 and died in 2010. In those two years he lost the ability to move, talk, and eventually to swallow. However, he never lost the ability to love, and he seized every moment of his life until the end. Inspired by his example, Yvette radically participates in the present moment with everyone around her and she inspires others to do the same. At the core of Carpe Diem Day is to not put off until tomorrow doing what you love–with the people you love–when you can do that today.

How should this day be celebrated? Carpe Diem Day should be celebrated by sharing experiences with the people you love: 

  • Write and post about your experience
  • Use #CarpeDiemDay when posting to social media

Here are some of Yvette’s favorite Carpe Diem celebrations:

  • Pay tribute to those who have died by spending the day doing something they loved or that you loved doing together
  • Share your passion with someone you love
  • Make amends with those you love
  • Take a small step toward meeting a big goal
  • Dress in costume and have fun
  • Creatively enjoy theme-based celebrations throughout the year using unusual special days as prompts
  • Give yourself a positive affirmation
  • Set a goal that will bring more love into your life
  • Get a makeover
  • Take a picture with someone you love
  • Send a surprise letter to someone you love
  • Do something kind for someone
  • Reframe a rejection
  • Celebrate your age
  • Say “thank you” to someone in your life
  • Go on a nature walk
  • Sign up for a race or event that benefits a charity
  • Cook a new recipe
  • Learn a new dance move
  • Reach out to an old friend
  • Take a friend out to dinner
  • Look through old photos
  • Meditate
  • Sing, play, or listen to music that inspires you to live life fully
  • Host a themed party
  • Travel to a new place
  • Read a bestseller or recommended book
  • Watch an Oscar-nominated movie
  • Explore a museum
  • Clean out old clutter
  • Research and accomplish a DIY repair job
  • Buy something fun from a thrift store
  • Contribute your time or dollars to an important cause  like the ALS Association