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When will this Day be celebrated?  August 8th of each calendar year.

What is National Boundaries Awareness Day? 

This is a day in which every human on earth may sit in awareness of their Healthy Boundaries (physical, emotional, time, sexual, material, intellectual) needed to live a more fulfilled, authentic and safe life. This day actually crosses boundaries by bringing connection in an authentic capacity to any human by acknowledging that boundaries are necessary for self care. That self-care is a necessary element to living a human experience. And that at the backbone of compassion is a boundary that we are able to communicate to empower our own self respect to live interdependently among one another for genuine connection.

Why is this day being created? 

To bring awareness to the growing number of humans who are searching for ways to communicate and live authentically. To break the barriers and stigma of not speaking up for the needs of self care. To recognize that having healthy boundaries is a form of connection by stating our needs in a safe and secure manner.

 How should this day be observed? 

This day should be celebrated by revisiting or creating healthy boundaries for self care. By taking a moment to remember that having healthy boundaries is to prevent resentment, anger, fatigue or burn out. That fostering healthy boundaries for ourselves creates relationships that preserves connection, rather than eliminating it.

Who created this day?  This day was created by Evelyn Marley in 2022.