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When will this Day be celebrated?  April 21st of each calendar year.

What is Global Traction Day?   Global Traction Day brings together entrepreneurs Running on EOS to celebrate 15 years of their businesses achieving Vision, Traction® & Healthy.

The Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) is a set of simple concepts and practical tools used by more than 120,000 companies around the world to clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision.

Why is this day being created?    April 21, 2022, is the 15th anniversary of the release of Traction, the best-selling book that popularized the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) and continues to help entrepreneurs achieve the business success they’ve always envisioned. The book and business operating system are both written by speaker, teacher, entrepreneur, and EOS founder Gino Wickman. Traction has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

How should this day be observed?   

  • To help more entrepreneurs get everything they want from their businesses, Global Traction Day will bring together entrepreneurs and small-business owners around the world to share their successes and endorse Traction® and the EOS Model®.
  • The inaugural Global Traction Day will be celebrated on April 21, 2022, during the 2022 EOS Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA (and every year thereafter at this annual event). EOS Worldwide and its international coaching community will distribute over 15,000 free copies of Traction to business leaders who want to eliminate their most common frustrations and get everything they want from their businesses.
  • Companies running on EOS already acknowledge their personal and professional “bests” each week as part of running productive, healthy meetings. This year (and each annual Global Traction Day), the international coaching community will celebrate by asking entrepreneurial company leaders to share their “personal or professional best” from the previous year. This special day will be an exciting way for business leaders to step back, take a broad view, and reflect on how running their business on EOS has impacted not only their day-to-day work but also their lives and businesses overall.
  • EOS Worldwide and its community of EOS Implementers® are also committed to giving away over 15,000 free Traction books a year in perpetuity.
  • Various digital and social campaigns, led with customized hashtags, content and websites will be deployed throughout this year, pending approval of the holiday name.

Who created this day? This day was created by EOS Worldwide in 2022.    EOS Worldwide